Beautiful Skin Requires Commitment, Not a Miracle. 


A lot of people have something about their body that they’re conscious about. Mine would definitely be my skin! 

Ever since I was a young child I’ve always suffered with my skin, from dermatitis to eczema, and psoriasis to candida. You name it I’ve had it! 

About four years ago I attended a woman who specialised in alternative health. She did multiple tests on me and confirmed I was reacting to a multiple of foods that trigger my eczema,which included sugar, dairy, cheese, mushrooms, wheat and vinegar for example. I also had high sugar levels. I never realised how badly I ate until she told me! I had to completely cut these foods out along with others as they were what was triggering my skin. It was such a tough few months giving all those foods up, my skin began to flare up as my body was burning out all the sugar and my hair thinned and I lost so much weight! It was tough but worth it. 

When I returned to the woman she confirmed that my diet was working and my sugar levels had dramatically decreased and that I could slowly introduce the foods back. Foods like dairy and wheat were fine and my skin tolerated them in small doses, but when I ate cheese and mushroom my skin reacted so badly! Mushrooms made my skin blotchy and itchy and cheese caused me to get awful hives which have caused scarring on my legs, adding to my self consciousness of my skin. But as time and a lot of TLC has passed, I’ve managed to create a routine with my skin, knowing what works and what doesn’t work and what foods to avoid (needless to say sugar is impossible to give up completely!). Thankfully too my hair has managed to regain its natural thickness! 

Hopefully in my next few blogs I’ll be able to elaborate more about how I manage my eczema and about my routine. Also if anyone has any questions regarding skin care please comment and I’ll try my best to help! 

Thanks for reading! 


Result: Fail

image: Pinterest

“I’m not telling you it’s going to be easy – I’m telling you it’s going to be worth it.”

― Art Williams.

There is nothing more devastating than putting so much effort into an assignment or studying like crazy for an exam, only to find out a month later that you did not succeed in passing it. This has happened to me twice, and needless to say it was heartbreaking to see that dreaded word on my results page :”FAIL”. 
The first time I failed an assignment I was a first year. To be honest, I was more offended than upset. I had convinced myself that my standard of work was suitable for a level 8 college course- how wrong was I! Looking back now,  it was possibly the best wake up call I could have gotten. It was then that I realized my standard of knowledge and diligence would have to be improved big time! So I took the repeat assignment in my stride and redid it, fortunately passing it when the repeat results came out the following August.
Fast forward to second year: I was a year older and wiser (so I thought!) I put a lot more time into my assignments, making notes on lectures we had that day and rereading them ensuring I understood them. When I had to do assignments I ensured I put my best effort into them, the same with written exams. I had notes, Post-its, flashcards and podcasts to help me remember everything I needed to. Sadly, when I received my exam results (when my boyfriend and I were on holidays in Bulgaria!), I was devastated to see another fail result staring up at me from my phone. I genuinely thought I had put 100% into these exams, so it was yet another wake up call that I would have to up my standard yet again! I knew I needed to really sit down and spend every spare moment repeating these and putting my best effort into them, so I savored my remaining days in Sunny Beach and then worked on the repeats the minute I got home.
It’s not easy spending the whole summer reading articles and stuck into a computer for the second year running! 
Now I am in third year and needless to say I am a bit apprehensive regarding upcoming assessments. I spend my spare hours  during the day and evenings doing work to ensure that I don’t fall behind and that I have sufficient time to revise coming up to exam week in May. I go to bed exhausted and count down the hours until I can have an evening to relax during the weekend. All I want to see in June when I open my results is the word “pass” repeated over and over! During my summer, I’d love to be relaxing with all my midwifery books packed away ready to be used again in 4th year! When I wake up during the summer months without the dreaded thought of spending the whole day redoing an assignment or studying for an exam, that’s when I know that the permanent dark circles under my eyes during the academic year will have been worth it! 
Fingers crossed history won’t repeat itself again this June..
Thanks for reading! 

A Day in the Life.


image: Pinterest.

Welcome to my blog!

For the last year or two I’ve always to write a blog but have been too nervous. I had no clue what I would write about or if anyone would have any interest! But I reckon there’s always someone who can relate to you and your life, so I’ve decided to blog about what’s most prevalent in my life at the moment: being a student midwife.

To give everyone a brief summary of me, I’m a third year (direct entry) Midwifery Student studying in DkIT. I also suffer with skin problems and food allergies, so I’m also hoping that I can give tips and advice to anyone else that suffers with their skin or diet, student or not! Also, I am obsessed with dogs (but who isn’t?)

Hopefully I won’t neglect this blog too much, as every student knows that prioritizing college work is a necessity! But I hope to fill everyone in on my day to day activities, things I’ve found of interest or perhaps just to rant!

Thanks for reading, and feel free to contact me if you wish to do so!

Speak soon,
